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Horário de abertura

  • Domingo

    07:00 - 20:00

  • Segunda-feira

    07:00 - 20:00

  • Terça-feira

    07:00 - 20:00

  • Quarta-feira

    07:00 - 20:00

  • Quinta-feira

    07:00 - 20:00

  • Sexta-feira

    07:00 - 20:00

  • Sábado

    07:00 - 20:00

Sobre a empresa

PRACTICE… BREATHE… RELAX…I have been practicing and exploring Yoga for over twenty years. This has led me into teaching and I am a fully qualified teacher with the British Wheel of Yoga. I have been teaching since 2008 taking inspiration from all traditions of Yoga.In recent years I have been working with my husband Ged, a professional musician and we have developed practices with specially composed pieces of music and sounds to deepen and enrich the practice.My approach to practice is honest and practical. I am passionate about the transformative power of Yoga and very much look forward to sharing with you.

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[ZOOM] FREE Sun salutations with Bija Mantra

30 min

The perfect way to start your day!Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar is the heart of any Vinyasa Yoga practice.A series of twelve postures, gracefully linked by breath become a moving meditation. The sequence is repeated and accompanied by our original

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[RECORDING] Sun salutations with Bija Mantra

120 min

This is a pre-recorded session.The perfect way to start your day!Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar is the heart of any Vinyasa Yoga practice.A series of twelve postures, gracefully linked by breath become a moving meditation. The sequence is repeated

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[ZOOM] Slow Flow & Restore

60 min

Has it been one of those days?This practice combines slow Vinyasa Flow with Restorative Yoga.The dynamic part of the practice will help to focus the mind and strengthen the body, improving endurance and flexibility. All postures can be modified or am

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In-person class @ The Sanctuary

60 min

GUIDELINES FOR SAFE PRACTICEPleased be assured that all measures have been taken to keep everyone safe.Please stay at home if you feel unwell or are displaying any C19 symptoms. Class numbers will be very limited to ensure all students are

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[ZOOM] Gentle Restorative Yoga

60 min

This softer and more meditative practice is dedicated to gentle and restorative Yoga.It will provide the opportunity to gently unwind your body, soothe your nervous system and calm your mind at the end of the day.Highly recommended to be followed by

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[ZOOM] Slow Vinyasa Flow

60 min

Feeling fabulous on Fridays!Vinyasa Flow is a free-flowing practice connecting mind and body through breath and movement. The word ‘Vinyasa’ can be interpreted as ‘to move in a special way’. Paying particular attention to breath and alignment yo

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In-person candlelight class @ Grindleton Pavillion

60 min

GUIDELINES FOR SAFE PRACTICEPleased be assured that all measures have been taken to keep everyone safe.Please stay at home if you feel unwell or are displaying any C19 symptoms.Class numbers will be very limited to ensure all students are 2m apart.Yo

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Slow Flow & Restore

60 min

A pre-recorded session.Has it been one of those days?This practice combines slow Vinyasa Flow with Restorative Yoga.The dynamic part of the practice will help to focus the mind and strengthen the body, improving endurance and flexibility. All posture

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Gentle Restorative Yoga

60 min

A pre-recorded session.This softer and more meditative practice is dedicated to gentle and restorative Yoga.It will provide the opportunity to gently unwind your body, soothe your nervous system and calm your mind at the end of the day.Highly recomme

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Slow Vinyasa Flow

60 min

A pre-recorded session.Feeling fabulous on Fridays!Vinyasa Flow is a free-flowing practice connecting mind and body through breath and movement. The word ‘Vinyasa’ can be interpreted as ‘to move in a special way’. Paying particula

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[ZOOM] FREE Yin Yoga

60 min

A quiet and reflective practice. Using longer held, passive poses to target the connective tissues of the body, ligaments, tendons, bones and fascia. Yin Yoga can help to promote flexibility, particularly in the pelvis, hips and lower spine. This pra

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[ZOOM] Yin Yoga

60 min

The practice of longer held poses to target the connective tissues of the body, the ligaments, tendons, bones and fascia.This introspective practice heightens our awareness and help to maintain and improve mobility.Suitable for all levels.

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[ZOOM] FREE Yoga Nidra

30 min

A guided relaxation practice.Yoga Nidra or yogic sleep brings us into a state of physical and mental relaxation.Suitable for all levels.

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[ZOOM] FREE Joy Peace & Love

60 min

An truly uplifting and feel good practice, a celebration of Joy Peace and Love.We will move, stretch, breathe and relax.So make a nest, light a candle and take some time for you.This practice is suitable for everyone so why not invite other members o

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[ZOOM] FREE New Beginning

60 min

Start as you mean to go on!We will flow through a gentle practice easing our way back into body after the holiday period.Letting go of the old and welcoming the new. A practice filled gratitude and intention for the year ahead.Level Suitabl

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[ZOOM] Yin Yoga Practice

60 min

A Yin yoga practice focusing on the energy of spring.We will begin with a short Qi Gong practice followed by longer held Yin poses to target the meridians (energy channels) and their associated organs.We will finish with a relaxation practice, leavin


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