Sukha Yoga
Sukha: Happiness, Joy & BlissAt Sukha, we offer more than just yoga—we provide a space for profound transformation and self-discovery. Guided by the timeless wisdom of Indian traditions and tailored to the needs of today, our sessions are designe
Bulle de bonheur
Bienvenue a la bulle de bonheur!reserver vos cours, seances ou evenementsen cliquant sur le bouton ci-dessous
Hatha Yoga - Cedric
Yoga maternite (pre et post natal) - Cathy
Vinyasa et Yin Yoga - Carine

HATHA ✺ VINYASA FLOW ✺ YIN YOGAYOGA PRE & POST NATAL Méthode B. De GasquetCours privés et collectifs (chez Ô Studio, à domicile & à distance) - tous niveauxAteliers ✺ Evènements ✺ Retraites de yoga

Sun Fitness
Sun Fitness 位於荔枝角永康街79號創匯國際中心18樓D至E室(荔枝角地鐵站B1出口行約2分鐘到達)以functional training及interval training為主,幫助學員達到修身效果,還會提供group training及私人訓練

Yoga Palme
Bei Yoga Palme geht’s nicht nur um Asanas – es geht um dich. Entdecke, was in Dir steckt, finde inneren Frieden und stärke Deinen Körper. Die Yoga-Welt wartet darauf, von Dir erkundet zu werden. Nimm die Herausforderung an und finde Dein Gleichgewich
BASIC KURS (75 min) (für Anfänger oder Wiedereinsteiger)
BASIC KURS (75 min) (für Vorteilskarten)
YIN-YANG KURS (60 min) (für alle Level geeignet)

Thankful Flow - Yoga by Elly
Hatha, Vinyasa, Embody and Flow Yoga in East Sussex.In-person group and one-to-one classes, and online membership for all.
Restorative Beginner Friendly Flow @ The Telscombe Civic Centre: Tuesdays 7-8pm
Energise & Embody Flow Yoga @ Saltdean Lido: Thursdays at 7:30-8:30am
Sunday Sanctuary Yoga @ Saltdean Lido: 11- 12:30pm
Sports Doctor Yoga Massage Medicina alternativa
connectanywhere is an initiative by Kesri Technologies to bring affordable Consultations of qualified professionals at the comfort of your homes, with seamless experience both for service providers and clients
Йога morning
Йога wake up
Хатха-йога Алина

Ann Petrov Yoga
Welcome to our holistic wellness practice, where we offer a unique blend of yoga teaching, Reiki healing, and kinesiology services to help you achieve balance and harmony in mind, body, and spirit. Our team is led by a passionate and experienced indi