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NKCSWX Counselling Support 无锡南外国王校园心理健康发展咨询


  • 星期日


  • 星期一

    上午10:00 - 下午5:30

  • 星期二

    上午8:00 - 下午5:30

  • 星期三

    上午8:00 - 下午5:30

  • 星期四

    上午8:00 - 下午5:30

  • 星期五

    上午8:00 - 下午5:30

  • 星期六



COUNSELLING AND MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT  校园心理健康发展咨询服务介绍  The school counselling supports our Pastoral System, the faculties by a systematic approach to assist all students in applying skills and integrating resources needed to enhance their career and personal/social development. I aim to support the students to grow as open-minded, well-rounded global citizens in a healthy learning community aspiring to excellence. The educational psychologist and our outreach services are committed to the Chinese Psychological Society and the counselling ethics applied in Mandarin-speaking countries to ensure a quality service suited for the students with different cultural backgrounds.无锡南外国王国际学校的心理健康与辅导的各类计划为服务,将为了服务学生健康心理与社会发展需求而存在,目的为与教师、关顾体系共同营造安全正向的校园环境,培养孩子提高心理成熟度与追求个人多元发展的卓越、成 为有开阔心胸的世界公民、提供孩子-家庭-校园系统性支持,与学习如何解 决问题。我将依循 华人地区心理健康相关法律中的未成年人与儿童保护政策与中国心理学会中国心理学会临床与咨询工作伦理守则,以确保提供满足来自不同文化背景的学生优良的咨询服务品质。            预约说明 BOOKING INFORMATION请由上方"立即预约"进入预约系统。您可预约至今日起近两周开放的时间段,预约完成后咨询师会对您的预约进行确认,确认后您将收到预约成立的信息,在会面的前一天您也会收到邮件的提醒。如果咨询师取消您的预约,表示此时段同时被其他人所预约,您需要选择其他时段进行预约。预约时间表中红色格代表可预约时间,灰色格代表该时间段已满。如需取消,您可选择下列几个方式取消:寄邮件至jing.chen@nkcswx.cn取消致电咨询室分机 6851-6950取消在您预约成功时所提交登记的个人邮箱中,连结“确认预约”邮件上有个“取消预约”的网址,进行取消。如需更改时间,请先取消原本预约,再自行预约其他时段即可。Click on the "Book Now" button above to schedule a session. The available time slots of the school counselling sessions will be displayed for two weeks from today. You will receive a confirmation email after you complete the booking process once the counselor confirmed your booking.  If your booking request is being canceled, it means that the timeslot has been taken. Please book another session. Available time slots are shown in red while unavailable ones are shown in grey.If you would like to cancel your booking, you could choose the following ways: (1) send an email you submit during your original booking to Ms. Lee to confirm the cancellation (2) call 6851-6950 to cancel (3) Cancel the session through the web link in your confirmation email messages to cancel. To reschedule, book again if you want to fix it for some other time.服务项目  STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES校园心理健康教育推广与互助促进计划Primary Prevention Projects支持品德与心理健康延伸课程PSHE/Morality Curriculum Support支持学生关顾体系与英语非母语教学/学习中的个别社会与情绪需求Psychological Support for Pastoral Care and EAL/SEN团体与班级辅导:人际关系 、国际法律常识、多元文化尊重、团体动力与沟通   Group Counseling and Class Guidance: Basic Knowledge of law, Multicultural Respect, Group Dynamics, and communication.个别咨询与心理测评:自我了解、情绪管理、压力管理、沟通技巧、人际关系……等。Individual Counseling: Self-Knowledge, Emotional Regulation, Stress Management, Communications, Interpersonal Relationships.家庭支持:教养技巧、家庭关系、生涯探索与沟通。Family Counseling: Parenting Skills, Family Relationships, Resource Integration, Crisis Management, Communications. 资源链接:校外资源拓展、资源评估与维护、危机应变。Outreach: Medical support and counselling outreach校园关怀咨询室地点 Counselling OfficeRoom D3010, Bilingual Secondary Teaching Building, 3F (双语部初中教学大楼三楼,进东门左手边第一栋)    


Educational Psychologist - 陈静 Jing Chen



KG-G5学生个别咨询 Student Counselling(KG-G5)

30 分鐘

此项服务为学生个别与咨询师会面,可由KG-G5学生或父母/监护人预约(仅可在课外与CCA之外的时间预约)。The student counselling service could be booked by the student or the parent/guardian besides school and CCA time in NKCSWX.


<Parent Support Group Workshop> Time for a Smart Game Playing Diet: Family Contract for Electronic Usage and Negotiation with Children and Teenagers 孩子的3C节食计划:如何运用家庭合约与协商处理孩子3C使用的问题

90 分鐘

由于科技高速发展与社会需求,科技产品的使用已成为人人必需的技能, 也是二十一世纪教学现场中经常使用的媒介,在使用电脑学习的同时, 孩子更加容易接触到各类的网络游戏、网络内容,成为现代父母十分关注的议题。 此家长支持工作坊是为了对孩子的科技产品使用问题有兴趣、或是寻求解决方法的家长而设计,工作坊将涵括以下议题: 1.作为家长如何理解孩子对3C产品的热爱,游戏对孩子的意义是什么? 2.当孩子的注意力都在游戏时,大人如何与孩子开启对话? 3.如何与孩子在家中使用家庭合约与协商技巧来协助孩子自律且聪


G6-12学生个别咨询 Student Counselling(G6-12)

30 分鐘

此项服务可由学生本人直接预约(仅可预约CCA与课外的时间),家长可与学生沟通确认时间后协助预约。This service could be booked besides school and CCA time in NKCSWX by the student alone or the parent after the family discussion.


家庭諮詢 Family Counselling

60 分鐘

此服务为家长带孩子同时一起与咨询师会谈,此服务必须与咨询师邮件或电话联系(#6950)确认后才能预约成立。The family counselling service(the parents and the student meet with the psychologist at the same time) could only be booked by the parent after the confirmation through emails or phone calls(#6950


家长个别咨询 Parent Consultation/Counselling

60 分鐘

此项服务为家长与咨询师个别会面(学生与教职员不参与),仅供校内学生父母或监护人申请。This parent intake or counselling service could only be booked by the parent/guardian in NKCSWX.


2 客戶評論
