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Cleaning Ladies

Opening hours

  • Sunday

    9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

  • Monday

    9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

  • Tuesday

    9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

  • Wednesday

    9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

  • Thursday

    9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

  • Friday

    9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

  • Saturday

    9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

About the company

Serving Pittsburgh, PA and Morgantown, WV!

Our team

Brittney Arthur

Tiffany Ward

Top services

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Relief - Standard Clean 2 hrs.

120 min

Price: $50Whatever we can get clean in 2 hours. This is priced by the hour. How much cleaning we complete varies due to size of home and amount of work. Main focus: Kitchen and Bathroom(s)Kitchen: Wipe counters and cabinet doors, clean

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Comfort - Kitchen Deep Clean

120 min

Price: $602 hoursWhole kitchen deep cleanWash dishes, wipe counters and cabinet doors, clean backsplash, shine appliances and sink, clean hood-range, clean microwave inside and out, dust on top of fridge and light fixtures, clean dining tab

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Calm - Standard Clean 3 hr.

180 min

Price: $75Whatever we can get clean in 3 hours. This is priced by the hour. How much cleaning we complete varies due to size of home and amount of work. Main focus: Standard cleaning of kitchen, bathrooms, and floorsKitchen: Wipe count

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Serene - Kitchen and Bath Deep Clean

180 min

Price: $1003 hoursWhole kitchen and all bathrooms deep clean Wash dishes, wipe counters and cabinet doors, clean backsplash, shine appliances and sink, clean hood-range, clean microwave inside and out, dust on top of fridge and light fixtur

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Peace - Standard Clean 4 hr.

240 min

Price: $100This is priced by the hour. How much cleaning we complete varies due to size of home and amount of work. 4 hours standard cleaning: Kitchen, bathrooms, living room, bedroomsKitchen: Wash dishes, wipe counters and cabinet doors, c

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Relax - Standard Clean 5 hr. (Speacial Add On)

300 min

Price: $1255 hours standard cleaning: Kitchen, bathrooms, living room, bedroomsMuch like our cleaning service package "peace" this cleaning service package is for clients who need or want that extra hour with a special deep clean add on - Dusting of

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360 min

Price: $1506 hours full guaranteed standard cleaning of entire interior of homeKitchen, dining room, all bathroom(s), living room, other common areas, such as the den/sitting room/family room, office, finished basement, etc. and all bedroom(s)Include

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480 min

Price: $200Full guaranteed deep cleaning of entire interior of house8 hoursKitchen, dining room, bathroom(s), living room and other common areas, and bedroom(s)Includes: Washing dishes, wiping down all cabinets, tables, and chairs, cleaning out sinks


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