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About the company
Klik disini untuk tanya dokter kami 081399086301Our team
Dr Tasya Kohar
Dr July
Top services

Tambal gigi
60 min
Cabut gigi
60 min
Rawat syaraf
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Cabut gigi bungsu
60 min

NEX Aligner
60 min
Clear or invisible aligners are orthodontic devices for patients who have crowded teeth or who suffer from minor teeth-spacing issues. In a way, invisible aligners are similar to conventional braces that use brackets and wires to pull teeth into a de

Porcelain veneer
60 min
Super thin veneer at 0.2mm thickness veneer means you can have permanent fabulous white teeth without having to cut your teeth. Just glue it on!

60 min
Scaling (karang gigi)
60 min

Dental Implant
60 min
With 4D guided implant, human error is greatly reduced. Without having to open a flap, you can straight insert implant, saving you downtime. And no sutures!
Bridge (3 gigi)
60 min
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