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Essential Somatics

Opening hours

  • Sunday

    9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

  • Monday

    9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

  • Tuesday

    9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

  • Wednesday

    9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

  • Thursday

    9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

  • Friday

    9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

  • Saturday

    9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

About the company

Essential Somatics® is dedicated to helping you resolve chronic muscle pain so you can move with mastery, joy, and ease for the rest of your life. We do this by teaching a method called Clinical Somatic Education, a comprehensive system of movement education based on the work of Thomas Hanna, Ph.D.

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Our team

Martha Peterson

Fundamentals Course (Colorado Springs, CO)

Fundamentals Course (Colorado Springs, CO) - April 30 & May 1

Improve Your Breathing

Pain-Free Legs & Hips

Pain-Free Neck, Shoulders & Back

Releasing the Jaw and Neck

Fundamentals Course June 11-12 (Chester, UK)

Fundamentals Course June 4-5 (Portland, Maine)

Martha Peterson - Classes

Releasing the pelvic floor

Top services

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Online Consultation

30 min

Do you need help with your daily Somatic Movement practice? Would you like Somatic Movement recommendations for your pattern of Sensory Motor Amnesia? Are you unsure whether Somatics is right for you? During a 30-minute video consultation, you will h

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INITIAL Private Session (Online)

90 min

For new clients only! Online sessions provide you with a full assessment and expert guidance from Martha Peterson to address your pattern of Sensory Motor Amnesia (SMA).

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FOLLOW UP Private Session (Online)

75 min

For returning clients and those who have had an initial session within the last 3 years. Online sessions provide you with a full assessment and expert guidance from Martha Peterson to address your pattern of Sensory Motor Amnesia (SMA).

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Fundamentals Course (Colorado Springs, CO)

480 min

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Releasing the pelvic floor

60 min

The muscles of the pelvic floor are a part of all three somatic stress reflexes. In this class you will learn how to release the pattern of tension in the center of the body that contributes to pelvic floor pain and dysfunction. Good for: Pelvic floo

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Healthy Back, Healthy Spine

75 min

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Fundamentals Course (Colorado Springs, CO) - April 30 & May 1

480 min

April 30 & May 1

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Fundamentals Course June 4-5 (Portland, Maine)

480 min

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Fundamentals Course June 11-12 (Chester, UK)

60 min

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Releasing the Jaw and Neck

60 min

In this class you will learn how to release the muscles that move the jaw and the connected muscles that can become chronically tight from emotional or mental stress, or habituated physical patterns, such as hunching over a computer. Good for: TMJ,

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Pain-Free Neck, Shoulders & Back

60 min

Neck, shoulder, and back pain go hand in hand! This class will start with addressing in the neck, down to the shoulders, and throughout the back. Learn to release these areas to allow for more fluid movement, rotation, and stability of the arms and t

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Pain-Free Legs & Hips

60 min

When the back, front, and sides of your body are tight, the legs and hip joints can become stiff and painful. Come learn how to release tension in your hips to restore freedom of movement. Good for: hip pain, sciatica, knee pain, SI pain

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Improve Your Breathing

60 min

This class introduces a basic practice of ways to improve your breathing through Somatic Movement and pandiculation. Stress affects our ability to breath well and it lowers our resistance to illness; we need to make sure we’re breathing well and keep


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