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Cloud9 Dog Park

Opening hours

  • Sunday

    7:00 AM - 9:00 PM

  • Monday

    7:00 AM - 9:00 PM

  • Tuesday

    7:00 AM - 9:00 PM

  • Wednesday

    7:00 AM - 9:00 PM

  • Thursday

    7:00 AM - 9:00 PM

  • Friday

    7:00 AM - 9:00 PM

  • Saturday

    7:00 AM - 9:00 PM

About the company

Safe, secure and exclusive exercise fields for dogs!Cloud9 Dog Parks provides you with the exclusive use of purpose built, enclosed exercise fields for your dogs to quite literally be on Cloud9!Our fields are both over 1 acre, enclosed by secure 5 foot fences with a coded gate. So, when you book you can relax and enjoy letting your dog(s) run free, in the knowledge that you are in a secure and safe space that is just for you. There is a shelter in each field and a basic agility equipment, sniffing posts and areas of longer grass for your dog to explore and enjoy.Each field has a water bowl with a water butt for drinking and a dog bin for waste disposal. 

Our team

Cloud9 Dog Park

Top services

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Alto Field

60 min

£8.00 per hourAlto is the square field, which is just over an acre in size. It is the most easily-accessible from the car park.Number of Dogs permitted, per session: 1-4 dogsNumber of Adults permitted, per session: 1-4 adultsNumber of Cars&

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Strato Field

60 min

£8.00 per hourStrato is the triangular field, which is also just over an acre in size. It is located to the south of Alto approximately 100 metres from the car park.Number of Dogs permitted, per session: 1-4 dogsNumber of Humans permit


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