Paws4Play Dog Park
Opening hours
5:30 AM - 10:00 PM
5:30 AM - 10:00 PM
5:30 AM - 10:00 PM
5:30 AM - 10:00 PM
5:30 AM - 10:00 PM
5:30 AM - 10:00 PM
5:30 AM - 10:00 PM
About the company
Welcome to Paws4Play Dog Park!Less than 9 minutes from M5 junction 28 at Mutterton, nr Cullompton. We hope that you and your lovely dog(s) have fantastic fun in our conveniently located, purpose built, prebookable 4 acre dog park.Our 1.8m fenced dog park is bookable for your exclusive use in 30 minute slots from 06:30 – 22:00, 7 days a week and all year round.Please ensure you enter your correct email address and contact us if you have any issues with your booking. If you don’t receive a booking confirmation email please check your junk folder.Our team
Paws4Play Dog Park
Top services
30 Minutes (up to 2 dogs)
30 min
30 minute exclusive use of Paws4Play DogPark with up to 2 dogs
60 minutes (up to 2 dogs)
60 min
60 minute exclusive use of Paws4Play DogPark with up to 2 dogs
90 minutes (up to 2 dogs)
90 min
90 minute exclusive use of Paws4Play DogPark with up to 2 dogs
120 Minutes (up to 2 dogs)
120 min
120 minute exclusive use of Paws4Play DogPark with up to 2 dogs
150 Minutes (up to 2 dogs)
150 min
150minute exclusive use of Paws4Play DogPark with up to 2 dogs
180 Minutes (up to 2 dogs)
180 min
180 minute exclusive use of Paws4Play DogPark with up to 2 dogs
19 reviews