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Longmont Hypnosis, LLC
Opening hours
Day off
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Day off
About the company
I use the very effective tool of hypnosis to assist everyday people with everyday problems like Stress and Anxiety Softening, Focusing Techniques, Smoking Cessation, Weight and Wellness issues, and other compulsive habits and self-defeating behaviors. I assist the client to access their subconscious mind, and to replace negative thoughts and programming with positive suggestions that motivate and inspire the desired changes.Our team

Leslie Easton Harrison
Top services
Introductory Session
75 min
Book an introductory session to learn about hypnosis, experience hypnosis and explore (under hypnosis) what it is that you can do better.

Awaken Pineal Gland (mind's eye) with hypnosis
60 min
This new service is a hypnosis session to awaken the Pineal Gland. This glowing pearl in the center of the brain, when awakened, opens our mind to wisdom, intuition, inspiration, and other wonders. Referred to as the minds eye or third ey
Soften Stress
50 min
With hypnosis, you can soften stress and learn tools to manage stress better. A hypnotic anchor is given that can be used to find calm and choose well rather than react to stress. Hypnosis recording available upon request.
Smoking Cessation Introductory Session (3 Sessions included with price)
75 min
Hypnosis is very effective to help end dependency on tobacco and nicotine. The program includes 3 sessions. You smoke your last before the second session. Recordings are provided.
Smoking Cessation Sessions 2 and 3
50 min
After the introductory session, sign up for session 2 and session 3 during the 7 to 10 days following the introductory session. The entire fee is paid at the introductory session.
Healthy Weight Management Introductory Session
75 min
Hypnosis can help motivate to eat right and make exercise natural and fun. This introductory session is to jump start this process. Recording is available upon request. Follow-up sessions as needed.
Healthy Weight Follow-up Session(s)
50 min
After you have had an introductory session for Healthy Weight Management, you can sign up for one or more follow-up sessions as needed. These are 50 minutes each.
Sports Hypnotic Mental Coaching
105 min
Engaging the subconscious can enhance sports performance. Many successful athletes improve the way they use their subconscious mind with hypnotic mental coaching.
Age Regression
105 min
Sometimes we do things that we wish we didn't do, but we don't know why, and we can't stop. This can be due to us protecting ourselves in some way from something in our past. Hypnotic age regression follows feelings and emotions back in time to the
Hypnosis for Children
50 min
Hypnosis can help children learn to use their minds better, engaging the subconscious to find better focus, manage stress, have a better outlook, find motivation, and overcome challenges. Hypnosis for ADD available. Recording available upon request
Just Hypnotize Me
50 min
Hypnosis is relaxing, energizing, and fun. Choose the Just Hypnotize Me option if you would just like to experience hypnosis for whatever happens to be bubbling up for you today. Recording available upon request.
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