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April Hickerson
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3:00 PM - 8:00 PM
8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
3:00 PM - 8:00 PM
8:00 AM - 7:00 PM
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About the company
April Hickerson, the founder of The Counseling Center, has been a clinical therapist practicing in Delaware since the 1995. Her philosophy has always been meeting the person "where they are"-working with the entire family to provide optimal results. April has provided in-school services to students in the community and has been instrumental in developing measurable quality data driven tools to continuously assess services to children in the State of Delaware. April has been asked by the media to discuss both short-term and long term affects of 9/11 on Delaware adolescents April has participated in the infant mortality study conducted in Delaware, in terms of adolescent pregnancies. Currently, April has provided clinical services through the Hope Commission of Wilmington for children who have a family member incarcerated. With her tagline serving families through their lifespan, April has worked with Hospice as a bereavement counselor, and has facilitated in guiding families through the a family member's terminal illness. April has many outside interests including Girl Scouts, volunteering with her daughter's school, and most recently judging fort the DE State Fair.Our team
April Hickerson
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60 min
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