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Transforming Reentry Services -Introduces Queens' Care
- trsqueenscare.simplybook.me
- Southside, 10 w 35th st, 9th floor, 60616, CHICAGO
- Westside ext 102, 609 S. California , 60612, Chicago
Opening hours
Day off
9:00 AM - 2:40 PM
9:00 AM - 2:40 PM
9:00 AM - 2:40 PM
9:00 AM - 2:40 PM
9:00 AM - 2:40 PM
Day off
About the company
MISSION:Transforming Re-Entry Services works to create an equitable future for re-entry communities. Founded and incorporated by black women and incarcerated individuals, we combine services, advocacy and research to fill in the gaps in the systems, restore families, and build economic and political power.The Project Queens' Care:The Queens's Care Project aims to engage, educate & support Black Women on HIV Prevention, Support, Self-Care & encourage community care through collective efforts. We are working with and supporting women with justice involvement, returning from work release programs, recovery facilities & women living in poverty in self-care efforts that support HIV prevention efforts in Black Women. Self-Care is Community-Care and as women it is up to us to know our status and take care of ourselves.Gallery
Our team
Provider 1
Top services

HIV Screening
20 min

Linkage to Care/Medical Insurance
40 min
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