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Fr. Paul Guirgis

Opening hours

  • Sunday

    10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

  • Monday

    Day off

  • Tuesday

    Day off

  • Wednesday

    Day off

  • Thursday

    Day off

  • Friday

    4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

  • Saturday

    Day off

About the company

Please review the following instructions BEFORE booking: Please book only one appointment at a time.Appointments are 15 minutes in length.For over the phone appointments, please make sure you submit the phone number you'd like to be contacted at for the appointment.In-person appointments are taken in the Church of St. Athanasius, 1245 Eglinton Ave. W., Mississauga, ON L5V2M4A confirmation email message will be sent once appointment is confirmed.A reminder email will be sent 24 hours prior to the appointment.On the day of the appointment, please be ready a few minutes before your start time.Please make sure the appointment begins and ends on time to minimize delays.Thank youIn Christ,Fr. Paul GuirgisChurch of the Virgin Mary and St. Athanasius, Mississauga ON Canada

Our team

Fr. Paul

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In-person Confession

15 min


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