Opening hours

  • الأحد

    10:30 - 18:00

  • الإثنين

    08:00 - 20:30

  • الثلاثاء

    09:00 - 21:00

  • الأربعاء

    08:00 - 21:00

  • الخميس

    08:00 - 20:30

  • الجمعة

    09:00 - 20:30

  • السبت

    08:00 - 18:00

About the company

Bike Fit & Cycling Analysis Lab

Stockholm and Sweden's only IBFI accredited Bike Fit studio

Making cyclists of all abilities more comfortable, efficient and aerodynamic

Discounts & coupons

Promotions & coupons


Discount: -1.000,00 kr

Joao Caldas

Discount: -500,00 kr

Bike Fit Voucher

Discount: -2.500,00 kr

Lasse Lindström

Discount: -4.500,00 kr

SCT Cykel Prize

Discount: -500,00 kr

SCT Cykel Prize

Discount: -500,00 kr


Discount: -300,00 kr


Discount: -625,00 kr

Heike Gift Voucher

Discount: -2.500,00 kr

1000 SEK Voucher

Discount: -1.000,00 kr

500 SEK Voucher

Discount: -500,00 kr

1000 SEK Voucher

Discount: -1.000,00 kr

Easter Egg Voucher

Discount: -1.000,00 kr

1000 SEK Voucher

Discount: -1.000,00 kr


Discount: -500,00 kr

Jasmina Voucher

Discount: -4.250,00 kr

Our team

Iain Findlay

Johan Andersson

Alex Lind

Alex Smethurst

Philip Österbo

Iain Findlay (CEPN)

Top services

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Bike Fit

180 دقيقة

A bike fit with PFP Sweden will help you to become more comfortable and efficient on your bike, whilst also providing you with advice on how to improve your riding. Together we will go through a variety of assessments to establish your individual st

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Virtual Wind Tunnel (Indoor Aero Testing)

90 دقيقة

Our Virtual Wind Tunnel allows us to look at improving your aerodynamics on the bike through adjustments to the bike setup, component choice and body positioning. The session will allow you to see the improvements resulting from the changes we make a

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Qualisys Premium Bike Fit - 3D Motion Analysis

210 دقيقة

Our new Premium Bike Fit service utilises state-of-the-art 3D motion analysis software from Qualisys. All of our Premium Bike Fits are conducted by a Level 3 IBFI Accredited Fitter and include a full off-the-bike biomechanical assessment, on-the-bike

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Follow Up with Qualisys - 3D Motion Analysis

120 دقيقة

A service for those of you who have been in for a Bike Fit with us before and want to follow up on things utilising our Qualisys 3D motion capture system.

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Bike Sizing

60 دقيقة

This is an ideal service for those of you looking to get a new bike. In this session we will utilise our Calfe Sizer Cycle to help work out an optimal position for you. We can then use this position to decide upon which frame geometry would suit you

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Outdoor Aero Testing

150 دقيقة

The ultimate aerodynamic testing experience for those of you wanting to go fast! Using our Aerolabs sensor, we will be able to calculate your CdA whilst riding in the real world. This allows us to experiment with positional and equipment changes to h

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1 Hour Follow-up Appointment

60 دقيقة

Have you had a bike fitting appointment before and want a catch up to see how you are progressing? The follow up service allows us to check in with you and see how you are getting on with any work you have been set to do, or if your goals have change

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Lactate Test – Cycling (Going Long)

120 دقيقة

By measuring blood lactate levels, we can determine your optimum training and racing intensity zones and ensure that you always make the most out of your cycling training. During the test you can use your own bike and power meter (or borrow power met

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Lactate Test – Run (Going Long)

120 دقيقة

By measuring blood lactate levels, we can determine your optimum training and racing intensity zones and ensure that you always make the most out of your run training. During the test you run at different speeds on a treadmill or on a 400m track. Usi

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Wahoo Kickr Bike Set-Up

60 دقيقة

The Kickr Bike Set Up, as with our standard Bike Set-Up, involves analysing your position using motion capture to determine a safe riding position maximising both comfort and performance. The appointment takes place on our Kickr Bike and you will rec

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Critical Speed Test - Run (Going Long)

120 دقيقة

Two to four all out tests to calculate your Critical Speed and D’ (anaerobic capacity). From the Critical Speed and D’ we are able to determine your optimum training and racing intensity zones and ensure that you always make the most out of your run

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Critical Speed Test - Cycling (Going Long)

120 دقيقة

Two to four all out tests to calculate your Critical Power and W’ (anaerobic capacity). From the Critical Power and W’ we are able to determine your optimum training and racing intensity zones and ensure that you always make the most out of your bik

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Cycling Functional Strength Assessment

90 دقيقة

COMING MARCH 2023! This service takes you off the bike and into the gym, when we can look at where limitations in your personal movements lie. This allows us to make recommendations in strength and conditioning training to take your riding to the ne

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VO2 MAX Test - Cycling (Going Long)

90 دقيقة

The VO2Max test is a maximal test, performed on a bike, where the resistance increases every minute until you can’t go any longer. The actual test lasts typically about 10-15mins depending on your fitness level. During the test, you will be wearing

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VO2 MAX - Run (Going Long)

90 دقيقة

The VO2Max test is a maximal test, performed on a treadmill, where the speed increases every minute until you can’t go any longer. The actual test lasts typically about 10-15mins depending on your fitness level. During the test, you will be wearing

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New Bike Consultation

30 دقيقة

Are you looking for a new bike? This free service allows you to book time with one of our Bike Fitting Consultants to come by the studio and see which bikes we have that might suit you best! We also have some drop in times which can be found on our w

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Servicepaket Vuelta

90 دقيقة

Perfekt basservice med kontroll och funktionstest av det mest vitala komponenterna på din cykel.

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Servicepaket Giro

120 دقيقة

Mer omfattande och mer djupgående service. Ett bra alternativ för dig som ska ut och resa med cykeln eller vill vara redo när våren och tävlingssäsongen drar igång.

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Servicepaket Le Tour

180 دقيقة

När endast det bästa är gott nog! Tvätt, test, genomgång, kontroll, justering, smörjning och mycket mer ingår i denna service.

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Servicepaket KONA

180 دقيقة

Gels, energidryck, svett och kanske tårar? Din cockpit får utstå en hel del under dina timmar i sadeln. Denna service är perfekt för dig som vill få en grundlig tvätt av cockpit samt säkerhetsgenomgång och service av din triathloncykel.

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Bike Fit with Senior Bike Fit Consultant (MEMBERSHIP)

180 دقيقة

A bike fit with PFP Sweden will help you to become more comfortable and efficient on your bike, whilst also providing you with advice on how to improve your riding. Together we will go through a variety of assessments to establish your individual st

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1 Hour Follow-up Appointment (MEMBERSHIP)

60 دقيقة

Have you had a bike fitting appointment before and want a catch up to see how you are progressing? The follow up service allows us to check in with you and see how you are getting on with any work you have been set to do, or if your goals have change

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Virtual Wind Tunnel (MEMBERSHIP)

90 دقيقة

Our Virtual Wind Tunnel allows us to look at improving your aerodynamics on the bike through adjustments to the bike setup, component choice and body positioning. The session will allow you to see the improvements resulting from the changes we make a

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Running Analysis

45 دقيقة

- Running on a treadmill with cameras from different angles that are then analyzed in slow motion and still images. - Personal instructor who will analyze your running technique and provide personalized feedback to improve your running technique and

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Service 1hr

60 دقيقة

Boka denna service om du är osäker på vad du har för fel på din cykel. Vi dedikerar en timme arbetstid till att försöka åtgärda eventuella problem. Eller fixa ett specifikt fel. Om felet i fråga är mer omfattande och kräver mer tid, kontaktar vi all

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Cycologic Education Level 1

15 دقيقة

Online: - Introduction to anatomy - Pre-Fit interview - Introductory pre-fit screening - Bike measurements In-person: - Bike Fit skills 1 (topics include postural cues of a bad fit, saddle positioning, insoles and cleat positioning)

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Cycologic Education Level 2

15 دقيقة

Online: - The business of bike fitting - An introduction to cycling biomechanics - Common cycling discomfort - Introduction to bike fitting technology In-person: - Bike Fit skills 2 (topics include crank length selection, physical assessment and clin

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Cycologic Education Level 1 & 2 Bundle

15 دقيقة

Level 1 Online: - Introduction to anatomy - Pre-Fit interview - Introductory pre-fit screening - Bike measurements In-person: - Bike Fit skills 1 (topics include postural cues of a bad fit, saddle positioning, insoles and cleat positioning) Level

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Fri Inspektion

60 دقيقة

Rapporter har inkommit där vissa av dessa vevpartier har gått av/havererat under belastning. Detta har i sin tur orsakat personskador (i vissa fall allvarliga) samt skador på cyklarna som haft dessa bristfälliga vevpartier. Har din cykel någon av d

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Foot Assessment / Shoe Fitting

30 دقيقة

Do you experience pain, hotspots or numbness in your feet whilst cycling? Or are you simply looking to invest in a new pair of cycling shoes? Then this free service is ideal for you! First we begin by measuring your feet / assessing the shape. From t

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2x Running Analysis

45 دقيقة

A comprehensive two-session package designed to elevate your running performance. In the first session, our coach conducts a personalized assessment of your running form, biomechanics, and training history. They analyze your gait and identify areas f

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Run Analysis and Strength Screening

120 دقيقة

Combine the power of our Run Analysis with our Strength and Conditioning Screening for a holistic approach to athletic performance. In the Run Analysis session, our coach delve into your running mechanics, identifying strengths and areas for improvem

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Run Analysis, Strength Screening and 12 Week 1:1 Coaching

120 دقيقة

Embark on a transformative athletic journey with our all-encompassing package that seamlessly integrates Run Analysis, Strength and Conditioning Screening, and 12 weeks of personalized 1:1 coaching. In the initial sessions, our coaches meticulously a

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Sports Massage

30 دقيقة

Our Sports Massage is designed solely to empower athletes to reach their full potential. Our holistic approach extends beyond relaxation, offering strategic benefits that enhance performance and overall well-being with your goals in focus.

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Bike Set Up

90 دقيقة

At PFP, we appreciate not everyone wants the full level of service we offer but we do provide Bike Fitting services for all types of cyclists. The Bike Set Up is a light version of our Bike Fit, helping you to improve comfort and performance while st


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