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The Flowerpoweress

Horário de abertura

  • Domingo

    Dia de folga

  • Segunda-feira

    Dia de folga

  • Terça-feira

    11:00 - 18:00

  • Quarta-feira

    11:00 - 18:00

  • Quinta-feira

    11:00 - 18:00

  • Sexta-feira

    11:00 - 18:00

  • Sábado

    Dia de folga

Sobre a empresa

Knowledge through experience and study has always been a pivotal way for me to deepen my spirituality. Perhaps like many of you, I always had an innate awareness and began asking existential questions very young. Thankfully, the universe placed many teachers in my way and I learned to be open and receptive to all of life and its teachings; the lights and the shadows, the birth and the death, the cosmic and the micro. Thus, I became a permanent student of life. At the age of 13, I began my study of divination through tarot. At the age of 16, after studying under a Buddhist teacher for 2 years I led a spirituality retreat. At the age of 18, I began my study of religion and spirituality intensely. I harbored established roles within my local Buddhist, Jewish, and Pagan communities and sought the mentorship of various teachers. Though these overlaps may seem odd, they actually brought me great comfort and enlightenment. There was a spiritual vein that connected all thoughts and philosophies of spirituality.I’m honored to be able to stand here today and share this knowledge with you. We are all teachers and we are all gurus. There is a vein of consciousness that connects all humans- regardless of spirituality, culture, or origin. To learn so intimately alongside the best into so many cultures and feel the same breath of divinity coursing through our veins, I knew this cosmic collective to be true. There is great wisdom to the teaching of the east and there is a reason the teachings of paganism were held so sacred. The west has attempted to force us in a unidirectional pull towards submission. I’ve broken free of these institutions and urge you to as well. There are beauty and magic in spirituality and a reason it has stood the test of time. These are the rituals and wisdom of our ancestors.All of my services are surrounding a teaching-based approach to spirituality. I find the best way to connect to the messages of the divine is to understand the tools used. This has always brought me deeper insight and I am excited for it to offer the same to you. I believe in delivering wisdom to you in digestible terms that resonate with your life, not lofty over-generalized sentiments that feel out of reach. **NOTE: ALL SERVICES MUST BE PAID IN FULL VIA VENMO TO @AVARENEENOTKIN or PAYPAL TO @ARENEEN WITHIN 48 HOURS OF BOOKING. IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND RESERVATION, CONTACT US + RESCHEDULE AT NO ADDITIONAL COST** 

Nossa equipe

The Flowerpoweress

Top services

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3-Card Pull

20 min

A basic traditional 3-card tarot pull that delves into your Past, Present, & Future. Utilizing the Rider White Tarot Deck, we connect to the universe and interpret the messages being delivered. As we interpret the spread, I will share knowle

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Specific Life Reading (Love, Career, Travel...)

30 min

If you have a burning question or looming thoughts regarding a specific topic, such as LOVE, CAREER, TRAVEL, SPIRITUALITY, RELEASE, LUST, INSPIRATION...This is the reading for you! Typically 3-5 card pulls. We will shortcut the "Past, Present, Future

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6-Card Base Life Reading

45 min

Aside from my 10 card pulls (Celtic Cross/Tree of life structure), the Base Life reading is my recommended service for anyone new to readings- as well as old comers who have had a pause since their last reading. This 6 card structure allows us to har

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7-Card Chakra Reading

60 min

($10 off) Each Major Arcana in the Tarot Deck is associated with one of the 7 principle Chakras and the additional developing Chakras. To grasp a clear image of your energy alignment, I will dive deep with you to interpret the meanings of the ca

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**Kabbalistic Tree of Life or Celtic Cross Reading**

90 min

($40 off) MY SPECIALTY + RECOMMENDED READING: These 10-card pulls offer an "entire life reading" in laymen's terms. However, they have a basis with ancient knowledge and connection to our ancestors! These structures are some of the most spiritual and

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Sound Healing Session (15min)

15 min

A quick way to energetically heal during your busy life & schedule. No formal meditation required; just show up & be present.For Sound Healing Sessions or "sound baths", I utilize a multitude of energy healing instruments to center in and hea

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Sound Healing Session (30min)

30 min

For Sound Healing Sessions or "sound baths", I utilize a multitude of energy healing instruments to center in and heal your chakras. It is an extremely relaxing and transcendental spiritual experience (and my personal introduction to the world of med

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**Sound Healing + Guided Meditation (1Hr)**

60 min

MY SPECIALTY + RECOMMENDED SOUNDBATH No formal meditation required; just show up & be present.For Sound Healing Sessions or "sound baths", I utilize a multitude of energy healing instruments to center in and heal your chakras. It is an

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LIMITED-TIME PACKAGE: Birth Chart Analysis, Life Reading, + Sound Healing Session

120 min

A Limited-Time Special to celebrate this new age and year! ($300 value, $50 off) A combination of my specialties tailored to your spiritual needs and guidance. Birth Chart Analysis: Have you ever wanted to understand your Birth Chart..

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Birth Chart Analysis

45 min

Have you ever wanted to understand your Birth Chart...or wanted to figure out your own for the first time? In this special service, I offer you an in-depth understanding of the planetary positions' effects on your personality and individuality. 

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1-on-1 (Single Session)

30 min

This can be teaching, spiritual counsel, or a topic of your choice! Please specify what you are searching for when booking. **NOTE: ALL SERVICES MUST BE PAID IN FULL VIA VENMO TO @AVARENEENOTKIN or PAYPAL TO @ARENEEN WITHIN 48 HOURS OF BOOKING.

Imagem do serviço

1-on-1 (3 Class Bundle)

60 min

Ideal for weekly learning in a month! If you are looking to expand your knowledge on a specific topic of spirituality, such as Tarot, Kabbalah, Buddhism, Paganism, Meditation, and more, this is the program for you. We will work together to formulate


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