12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
5:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Reservation appointments for the Photography labs at the University of Arkansas School of Art.团队组成
Trinity Kai / Lab Manager
Rebecca Drolen
Zora Murff
Rana Young
Aaron Turner
Introductory B&W Darkroom (FNAR 210)
120 分钟
15 Station black and white darkroom for 35mm film processing and printing.
Advanced Darkroom (FNAR 204)
120 分钟
6 station large format darkroom that also houses alternative processes equipment and chemicals. Space is equipped for large and medium black and white film & print processing. 2 UV exposure units measure 36" and 24" in max width.
Digital Lab (FNAR 209A)
120 分钟
Digital printing and scanning lab with Epson P800, Epson 3880, Epson 4800, Canon Pro-100 printers, 2 Epson flatbed scanners, and daylight print viewer.
Adv. Digital Lab (FNAR 215)
120 分钟
Large format printing space with 44" Epson P8000 and 24" Epson 7890. Flextight Scanner for 35mm - 4x5" film. Finishing and mounting space and portable projector are also accessible in the space.
Lighting Studio / JOBO Processing (FNAR 209B)
120 分钟
2-sided photo lighting studio with roll paper back drop and both strobe and continuous LED lighting set ups. Also in the space are sinks with 2 JOBO color film processors & chemicals.
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