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Centro Chiropractic
Injury recovery chiropractic clinic serving the PNW from Salem OR through Portland and into Washington.We make it easy to get in fast and begin feeling great! From auto accidents to work place injuries, since 2007 we have helped over 10,000 patients
22560 Southwest Pine Street
22560 Southwest Pine Street22560 Southwest Pine Street
Show on map558 SE 10th Ave, 97123, Hillsboro
Show on map1307 NE 102nd Ave, Suite F, 97220, Portland
Show on map19125 SE Stark St, 97233, Portland
Show on map11900 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy, 97005, Beaverton
Show on map2077 NE Highway 99W, 97128, McMinnville
Show on map1585 N. Pacific Hwy, 97071, Woodburn
Show on map1497 Lancaster Dr. NE, 97301, Salem
Show on map8136 SE Foster Rd, Suite 220, 97206, Portland
Show on map5201 SE Fourth Plain Blvd, Suite 103, 98661, Vancouver
Show on mapSoutheast 82nd Avenue, 97086, Portland
Show on mapWork Place Injuries
General Chiropractic Care - Self Pay
General Chiropractic Care - Health Insurance Coverage

5D (high frequency) Light, Sound & Vibration Therapy using the most advanced cutting edge sensory technology on the market.Bringing the best energy therapy technology to the collective for a holistic approach for neurological & physiological
Phoenix, East Hatcher Road, 1439
Phoenix, East Hatcher Road, 1439Phoenix, East Hatcher Road, 1439
Show on mapDROP IN --- ViBE + PyraLight Sessh (1 hour)
Kundalini Rising Gong Meditation
Energy Ascension Coaching

Miroslaw Reiki Healing Master
Reiki is a brilliant compliment to conventional medicine and aids in relaxing patients on the levels of the mind and physical body. The healing process gets faster when the patient is relaxed. After the Reiki treatments people sleep much better an
REIKI healing session customer home
REIKI distance healing
REIKI CRYSTAL distance healing session

Total Wellbeing Massage & Naturopathy
Book your naturopathy consults here. Please feel free to book a complimentary discovery call to chat with our naturopath about your individual health goals.Our pregnancy, remedial, relaxation and lymphatic massage appointments are back for our r
Naturopathy Consult - Initial Package 60 minutes $145
Naturopathy Consult - Follow Up 45 minutes $95
Naturopathy Consult - Acute Phone Prescription 10 minutes $35

Réflexologie Bessin Sandrine Seignard
Alternative medicine Spiritual services Massage Coaching
La réflexologie est une pratique manuelle qui encourage le corps à travailler naturellement pour reconstituer son propre équilibre. Je vous reçois sur Caen et Bayeux et j'interviens au sein de l'hôpital de Bayeux (Unité de Cancérologie pluridiscipli
Saint-Vigor-le-Grand, Rue du Beau Site,
Saint-Vigor-le-Grand, Rue du Beau Site,Saint-Vigor-le-Grand, Rue du Beau Site,
Show on map12 rue alexander fleming, 14200, hérouville saint clair
Show on map1 rue du beau site, 14400, st vigor le grand
Show on mapRéflexologie
Réflexologie de suivi
Récupération d'un chèque cadeau au cabinet

Sensing Shiatsu
Sensing shiatsu biedt gerichte shiatsu massage therapie van een gediplomeerde iokai shiatsu therapeut in hartje Utrecht. Kom voor een klacht, voor algemene ondersteuning en voor ontspanning.Treatments will take place with a native English/
Utrecht, Busken Huetstraat 4
Utrecht, Busken Huetstraat 4Utrecht, Busken Huetstraat 4
Show on mapOudenoord 370, 3513 CR, Utrecht
Show on mapOudenoord 330, 3531EX, Utrecht
Show on mapIntake & Consult
Vervolg Consult - 60 minuten
Zwangerschapsshiatsu - 60 minuten

Kate North Kinesiology
Kate is an internationally qualified kinesiologist specialising in the connection between mental, emotional and physical health and well-being. Kate works online (via Zoom) and in-person from her treatment room in Nottingham. She com

Oppliger Hypnose & Coaching
Oppliger Hypnose & Coaching bietet eine zeitgemässe Hypnosetherapie mit Fokus auf Achtsamkeit an. Meine Praxis liegt zentral in St. Gallen, in unmittelbarer Nähe des Bahnhofs. Du kannst ganz einfach und bequem online Termine buchen. Meine Hypn

Emeline Lecouffe
Femmes et personnes queer, je vous accompagne à vous libérer des troubles qui impactent votre quotidien, sur Orléans, dans le 41 et en visio, au sein d’un espace d’écoute, dans le respect de qui vous êtes.- en lien avec votre rapport à l’alimentation
Première consultation de naturopathie - en visio
Consultation de suivi naturopathie - en visio
Beaurepaire, 14 Rue de la République, 2ème Etages
Beaurepaire, 14 Rue de la République, 2ème Etages Show on map