Inclusive MAT
About the company
Our team
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
Room 4
Room 5
Room 6
Room 7
Room 8
Top services
Safeguarding, our local context - What's happening in Watford
45 دقيقة
Using a familiar adult approach to SEND/EYFS
45 دقيقة
Managing stress in our own lives
45 دقيقة
Flexible working; benefits, challenges and best practice
45 دقيقة
Adopting safe and healthy online habits
45 دقيقة
The Pedagogy of an inclusive classroom and curriculum
45 دقيقة
Strategies to support teaching children with EAL
45 دقيقة
Helping children to know and remember more through spaced retrieval practice
45 دقيقة
Helping children deal with loss or bereavement
45 دقيقة
Purposeful interactions in the EYFS
45 دقيقة
Cost of living crisis - strategies to support staff and the wider community
45 دقيقة
Support staff to teacher. Non-conventional career pathways into teaching
45 دقيقة
Maximising the admin and support staff role to strengthen safeguarding
45 دقيقة
Supporting SEND through forest school
45 دقيقة
The Pedagogy of an inclusive classroom and curriculum
45 دقيقة
Understanding boys
45 دقيقة
Identifying and dealing with cyberbullying/online hate
45 دقيقة
Maximising the EYFS outdoor learning environment
45 دقيقة
Making your voice heard by being part of our Trust staff forum
45 دقيقة
Managing difficult conversations
45 دقيقة
What it really means to belong - the language of inclusivity
45 دقيقة
School/finance administrators session
45 دقيقة
Everyone's a leader - leadership opportunities regardless of your role
45 دقيقة
Using AI to reduce workload
45 دقيقة
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