Mindful Mandarins
Opening hours
Day off
Day off
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
About the company
小小漢語普及愛教育不僅是學習普通話的中心,還是一個普及愛的社區,希望培養對普通話和中國文化重要性的認識及興趣。該中心的淨利潤將捐贈給小小漢語普及愛教育基金,該基金為貧困學校和兒童提供額外的普通話學習資源。本中心學生會有資格參加小小漢語普及愛教育基金舉辦的慈善活動,並有機會成為小小漢語普及愛教育基金青年慈善家會員,從小養成與人分享及助人的良好習慣,為他人樹立榜樣。Our team
Top services
Speaking Series -Mindful Foundations 2.5-3.5yrs old 普及愛基礎班:適合2.5-3歲
55 min
Speaking Series-Mindful Developers, 3.5 -4.5 yrs old 普及愛進階班 : 適合 3.5-4.5 歲
55 min
55 min
Speaking Series-Mindful Masters, 4.5 - 5.5 yrs old 普及愛⼤師班:適合 4.5- 5.5 歲
55 min
At Mindful Masters, students develop an understanding of more complex Chinese words and phrases. Literacy activities with advanced learning objectives prepare students to express their ideas confidently in Mandarin. This program is also d
Reading & writing - Series-6 years + Mindful Scholars Junior 普及愛啟蒙者
55 min
Games, songs, and stories help Mindful Scholars Junior to quickly build their spoken and written vocabulary. Establishing good reading habits is at the core of this program, emphasizing both character recognition and enjoyment. Our engagi
Reading & writing - Mindful Scholars Advanced 普及愛進階者
55 min
With an emphasis on literacy, Mindful Scholars Advanced uses Chinese stories to improve reading, character recognition, and comprehension. Students also focus on writing skills, building simple sentences and practicing character stroke or
Reading & writing - Mindful Scholars Masters 普及愛⼤師
55 min
An extension of Mindful Scholars Advanced, this program aims to sharpen comprehension and improve composition. An immersive literacy program, Mindful Scholars Masters help students form a more sophisticated understanding of Chinese, both
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