EGGS Career Education
Opening hours
Day off
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Day off
About the company
We offer career consultation services to help you develop self-awareness and decide on the next best steps for you once you leave secondary school.If you are a Year 13 student, you can make a booking during your study period, lunch or interval, not during class time.If you are a Year 9-13 student, you can make a booking at lunch or interval, not during class time.Our team
Provider name 2
Philippa Leask
Janette Ryan
Top services
Career Development Session
60 min
1 hour session in which we help you work out what is most important to you in your working life going forward, what your areas of interest are and we also might discuss other issues which may be impacting your career pathway.If you are a Year 13 stud
Service name 2
60 min
Quick question
10 min
If you have a quick question about subject selection or any other quick query, please choose this option.If you are a Year 13 student, you can make a booking during your study period, lunch or interval, not during class time.If you are a Year 9-12 st
Short Career Development Session
30 min
Not sure if you want an hour, bur know that 10 minutes is too rushed? Try us out for half an hour where we can have a short conversation, but probably will not have time do do any self-awareness activities or go too deep. If you are a Year 13 st
2 reviews
Lemahraelda Lapa
8/15/2024, 10:24:03 AM
Career Conservation
My session with the career I spoke it was really helpful. She was kind and helped me to prepare all the information I was looking for. Thank you for wonderful session.
Lavinia Uhila
11/2/2022, 9:01:01 PM
Career Conversation
My session with the careers counselor I spoke to was very helpful. She helped me prepare for my first job interview, and what to expect. This made me feel much more calm and confident about doing the interview.