Opening hours
Day off
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Day off
12:45 PM - 5:00 PM
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Day off
About the company
HFE is an innovative and forward-thinking training provider to the active leisure sector. Comprising of a team of focused and dedicated educators, clinicians and industry professionals, we're absolutely committed to raising standards throughout our sector.Our team

Chorley - Lancashire

London Barbican

Birmingham Central

Glasgow - Scotland
Top services

Course Tutor Interviews - Barbican London - 28-29 Aug 2019
45 min
Thank you for your interest in working with for HFE. Please find a summary below of the proposed interview. What to Expect:The interview will be conducted by myself and one of my colleagues. It will l

Course Tutor Interviews - Chorley, Lancashire - 4-5 Sept 2019
45 min
Thank you for your interest in working with for HFE. Please find a summary below of the proposed interview. What to Expect:The interview will be conducted by myself and one of my colleagues. It will last approximately

Course Tutor Interviews - Birmingham Central - 11th Sept 2019
30 min
Thank you for your interest in working with for HFE. Please find a summary below of the proposed interview. What to Expect:The interview will be conduct

Course Tutor Interviews - Glasgow - 18th Sept 2019
30 min
Thank you for your interest in working with for HFE. Please find a summary below of the proposed interview. What to Expect:The
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