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Osceola Virtual School Tutoring

About the company

Osceola Virtual School has a variety of learning options for our students. OVS creates a welcoming and flexible learning environment that is student-centered. On site tutoring is offered to full time OVS students taking courses with our teachers. Please note that tutoring begins at 9:00am however, you may come anytime between the hours of 9:00am-12:00pm with the selected teacher. If you can not make your scheduled appointment please notify the office before your scheduled date. 

Our team

Mrs. Neenan

Ms. Gray

Mrs. Kuzma

Mr. Rodriguez-Ortiz

Mrs. Pagano

Mrs. Garcia

Ms. Martins

Mrs. Phelps

Mrs. Harmon

Ms. Millan

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180 min

Osceola Virtual School has a variety of learning options for our students. OVS creates a welcoming and flexible learning environment that is student-centered. On site tutoring is offered to full time OVS students taking courses with our teachers.&nbs


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