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SPARQ Team Training

Opening hours

  • Sunday

    Day off

  • Monday

    10:00 AM - 7:00 PM

  • Tuesday

    4:30 PM - 6:30 PM

  • Wednesday

    7:00 AM - 11:00 AM

  • Thursday

    Day off

  • Friday

    Day off

  • Saturday

    8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

About the company

PRO STYLE EXPLOSIVE 45 MINUTE INTENSIVE TRAINING! Interval sessions focussing on sport specific movements covering all bases to create a fitter faster more dominant athleteCurrently for juniors (8-12yrs)Coming soon high school (13-18yrs)Train Against the Grain soft sand functional open to all age groupsUnlimited class packs available at discount costMore information on creators of SPARQ Team

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Our team

Nathan McKay

Aussie Gems Cheerleading & Fitness Academy

Karen Haigh

Karen Haigh

Karen Haigh

Nathan McKay

Nathan McKay

Top services

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Plyometrics and Jump Mechanics Mon (8-13yrs)

60 min

Plyometric exercises use the force of gravity to store energy in the muscles then immediately release the energy in the opposite direction. Our High Powered plyometric classes and one on one sessions are an excellent method for developing both s

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Plyometrics and Jump Mechanics Tues (high school)

45 min

Plyometric exercises use the force of gravity to store energy in the muscles then immediately release the energy in the opposite direction. Our High Powered plyometric classes and one on one sessions are an excellent method for developing both streng

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Plyometrics and Jump Mechanics Thurs (8-12yrs)

60 min

Plyometric exercises use the force of gravity to store energy in the muscles then immediately release the energy in the opposite direction. Our High Powered plyometric classes and one on one sessions are an excellent method for developing both streng

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Train Against the Grain

60 min

Flat Soft Sand training is 1.4 times more energy demanding than training on other surfaces such as grass. Get the most out of your time with the benefits of less stress on joints. Sand Training is an excellent way to stress the total body, especially


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