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Myofascial Release Ball Class - 4-Week Series with Karen Otsig RMT

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Summer Series! Are you looking to incorporate some self care into your schedule this summer? This series is for you. You will learn how to use small balls to decrease tension in your muscles, decrease pain, realign and reenergize your body. After a class, you will walk easier, feel taller, breathe deeper and feel less pain.The 4-week series starts August 1 and for the next three Thursdays thereafter. Start time is 7:30 pm at Kahlena Movement Studio in the heart of Edgemont Village.   Sign up now as class size is limited!

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Karen Otsig RMT

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60 min

The ball rolling class is easy and gentle. This is an amazing self-help tool which allows you to learn more about your body. It is great for anyone no matter your level of fitness. If you are already doing a strengthening class, this class will be


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