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Victory Fitness and Yoga

Opening hours

  • Sunday

    10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

  • Monday

    Day off

  • Tuesday

    10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

  • Wednesday

    Day off

  • Thursday

    10:00 AM - 8:00 PM

  • Friday

    10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

  • Saturday

    Day off

About the company

Welcome to Victory Fitness and Yoga. My name is Vicky and I am a fitness fanatic and passionate Yogi. I found yoga in my mid to late teens, and it has followed me ever since. I wanted to create classes suitable for all levels of fitness. I finally decided to delve a little deeper into my practice back in 2016 by completlng my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training. Since then I have completed many courses in relation to fitness; Personal Trainer, group fitness, strength training, Barre, Step, indoor cycling...Over the last few years I continued to expand my practice and teaching learning from a variety of yoga teachers. This gave me the opportunity to evaluate all I had learned, and to put that knowledge to practice in my classes.I began my 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training in March 2021. The experience so far has been so energizing and has reignited my enthuasiasm for learning and teaching.Before the "covid" days I taught classes for my local city. Once everything was shut down, like a lot of people, I had to reevaluate my work life. I now had two kids home needing my attention, and no where to go. It took a while, but I finally came around to the idea of online classes. The funny thing is, I'm thoroughly enjoying teaching online!

Our team

Victoria Yates

Victoria Yates

Victoria Yates

Victoria Yates

Top services

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Find your Sunday flow

60 min

This class is a suitable for all fitness levels. In this flow we will move through a different sequence each week, helping to increase strength, mobility and flexibilty. A link will be sent to your email for the class.

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Rocket Yoga

80 min

The Rocket practice is a challenging yet fun set sequence of Asanas. It was created with the Ashtanga practice in mind, derived to "get you there fast". As always, you are encouraged to step to your mat and find your flow. Or, "you do you"! If y

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Hips and Core

60 min

In this class we focus on connection with the muscles that support us all day long. Our hips, and our core. Weak muscles through the hips and core are often the root cause of my lower back aches and pains, and also hamstring and knee pain.By drawing

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Find your flow

60 min

This class is a suitable for all fitness levels. In this flow we will move through a different sequence each week, helping to increase strength, mobility and flexibilty. A link for the class will be sent to your email address. 


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